Update 18/02/2014
Tuesday 18th Feb 2014

whoops , havent updated this for DAYS – sorry.. We have been keeping an eye on the mouldy stuff in the inner house of the cabin. It isnt spreading but has reappeared in the same place once more since first finding it. We are very close to plucking up the courage to build the new inner house ourselves instead of buying in a prebuilt and are going to be replacing the outer/main window wiring mesh this week if weather is not too bad. Wolfie sat by the open window for a little bit today (hence why we have wire over them!!) and purred at the smells of outside :). Chewbs was naughty as obvious every time the window boards get taken down. Chomped on the wire and had to be detached from it!! Pum went hyper at the smells of outside and ran into her bed to hide!. All are having Senior wet food 3 days a week alongside their dries now. Unless one is ill(er) and then they wait until all are okay :). Have found a new type of medicine which is easier to apply and more reliable for FHV-1 so will be buying this soon. Oh and we are looking into new ways of fundraising – Would any of you be interested in helping if it were simple enough? (A search or click online etc?)