Two new additions to The Craft-E-Kittens
Monday 21st Jul 2014

On Saturday 12th July we marked a special anniversary by adding two new furbabies to our clan!
Harry and Edward from Leighton Buzzard joined our family.
This date marked the fifth anniversary since the passing of our sister / sister in law who was as animal mad as we are, By chance it happened to be the day we settled on for meeting to collect them from their old “staff”.We then also by chance came to alter their names a little due to their personalities.
Edward – unless being naughty, is now known as Ed,Edd or Eddy(!) as this fits his personality and also was the name of one of Tracys favourite cartoon shows.
Harry – who did not seem to like being called by that name, and was quite an “experiment” as he was a challenge to get settled in with the babies, was changed to Stitch and responds to the name beautifully. He is a little terror when he wants to be a but a cute (large) ball of fluffiness when he wants to be too! But only seems to be with mummy (Kitty).
Eddy moved almost straight in with the other three residents (Chewie, Wolfie and Pumpkin) in the big house of the cabin, but Stitch is still a little nervous of close contact with these “strange furry beasties” so he has spent his nights in his own house in the cabin which seems to suit him just fine.
They all five get along surprisingly well given that the two boys have only been here since last saturday. They all come out and spend the majority of the day roaming about the cabin and playing / finding sneaky spots to hide in thinking they can avoid detection and not get caught sneaking into the food cupboard when it opens(!)
Many photographs have been taken – and I have to restrain myself from taking and uploading millions of the same thing as they are just so cute together!
– Thank you for reading this “short(?!)” update –
Pictures can be found on the facebook page!