Tigger-Lou – Sneaky SnuggleHunter
Saturday 13th Mar 2004

Age : Tigger was supposedly 8 or 9 when we got her – so going by this we estimate she would have been 10 when she died 🙁
Arrival: March 13th 2004

How she got here: She came with Sox – from a friend who could only take two of their four cats to new housing.
Why she is with us: She came to us as said above – we only initially had them as companions for myself to get through awful times , we actually werent meant to have two – only Sox but I insisted and mum caved! lol Later we found Tigger and Sox both had health issues (this was before The Craft-E-Kittens came about)
Medical Issues: Bladder problems, Cystitis and on thinking back with my current knowledge I would say she also had some form of nerve problem and renal problem (much like sox which wouldn’t surprise me as they were inseparable)
Day to-day attitude: Tigger-Lou was a very nervous cat around anyone except myself, mum and Grandad. She occasionally accepted “treats” from relatives (much to my annoyance as i disliked them being fed dairy etc).
She was vocal at night if left outside but would immediately curl on my bed for a snoozy hug once let in for the night.
She loved hugs and being wrapped in a hooded baby blanket which calmed her if she got scared. She went missing for over a month not long after she got here – but we knew she couldn’t be far away as Socky kept going out back then and sitting near our back door “talking” to another cat (this ended up being Tigger but we could never get there quick enough before she would run off ).
Eventually she came home when one day I refused to come indoors until very late and she snuck up to me, sat at my feet and somehow magically bonded with me as if I’d earned her trust again(!!).
After this we were very close until a week before she died, when I could sense something was wrong but she seemed fine in herself. She ran away out of the blue again Feb 2006, I was confused and wondered “why now” after everything was so good for a year. She had been to the vets on and off with bladder problems and had been scared to be near sox from oct 2005 onwards as he “smelled different” after his car accident but we had been so close and for her just to “leave”…. It turns out she had left to find a cosy spot in our adjoining gardens (Uncles greenhouse).
We aren’t sure whether she knew she was passing and wanted to be alone – or the coincidental snow+wind storm that happened that week spooked her in to hiding out.
She was found hunkered down in a plant box just under a week after she disappeared – 25ft from our back door! Frozen solid (sorry too much detail). Heartbreak …. doesnt describe it.
Abilities: She was a good bird hunter and loved to play with frogs! But didn’t play very much other than with her “fish on a stick” toy! Good at opening doors though.
Special Needs: She needed tablets for her bladder (UTI) but I cant recall the name. She also had to have weekly / bi weekly blood tests for something but sorry to say back then I was focused on things happening and not to make notes of it all.
Coat description: short brown , white and grey stripes like a tiger. Classed as “tabby” by the vets but was an almost mirror of Sox except she had the brown markings over her black coat (imagine spraying the final detail over a black undercoat)…
Breed Detail: Unsure – Sox was a Tuxedo British Shorthair , but what does that make her? tabby or other?