Thurs 20th Feb AM
Thursday 20th Feb 2014

Just back in from the cabin. After having a horrible dream when I fell back to sleep this morning I was quite shook up and didn’t know what to expect when I got out there.I was half expecting the cats to be gone and the cabin to be empty! Luckily the cats were okay and all were bouncing as about like loons.Pumpkin and Wolfie kept sniffing about and playing chase by the sofa. Chewie kept sniffing me and wanting tickles , kisses and strokes then running off to play. After they all insisted on having foods and meds we let Wolfie out to stop him from eating the girls food and he sat on the sofa by me having a climby hug.
He panicked when John sat beside us and started scrabbling about to climb and run so I stood up thinking he would jump down but he didn’t, just settled for a hug instead!?
After tickles and chin strokes he decided to give ME a licky wash on my right side of my face then hopped into his bed. By now Pumpkin had finished her food and gone back to bed, Chewie cried so I called her up for a hug and she went floppy and stretched out on my arms like a baby 🙂 . After a long hug we put her in as it was getting late and she kept having a burpy tummy. As it is a little warmer today than I has been we left the thick cover off and just pulled the lighter ones down to keep them warm until tonight. Pum doesn’t do hugs unless there are treats involved so she was content in her bed 🙂