Poorly babies 1st March 2014
Saturday 1st Mar 2014

Poorly babies tonight – John did the litterboxes and sprayed the floors as they had “accidents” outside the box and up over the edge of them. Thinking it was mostly woolberton (Wolfie) as he was very yappy and headbutty tonight as well as REALLY talkative. I find it funny that he mimicks chewies voice when ill , He never talked before – not even a squeak , but now when hes poorly he sounds like chewie or scarily , like Socky (xxxxxxxxx miss you millions pupplyxxxxx) A little blood in the mix tonight , keeping an extra close eye on them the next couple days again.
I think Wolfie was hinting for Double (W) again tonight but after finding this on the floor we didnt think that was a good idea so they each had their D’s and hugs then to bed . We had to run the heater for the time we were out there , first in a while , as it seemed quite cold.