A Huge Thank You to the 1st Watchfield & Shrivenham Scout group for their donation!
Posted on 12:00pm Friday 31st Mar 2023
On Saturday 25th March 2023
The scouts were hosting their first event of the year, after a long break (due to lockdowns etc I believe?) and we were approached by the lovely event co-ordinator ahead of time to see if we would like any leftover DVDs etc donated to us after the sale had ended.
We gratefully agreed to accept anything they could spare and went about the rest of our week waiting hopefully but not expecting too many items as obviously they would need to get as much funding for their own cause as possible.
Rather overwhelmed
As we were only expecting “maybe” a small handful of Dvds or a few books… my father drove Johnny down quickly around 12.15pm after cat duties, only for me to get a call from Johnny saying he was rather overwhelmed and could I please call him back?
To our great surprise
We were basically told once it ended that we could take anything and everything from the large hall full of items to help our cause fundraising.
Annoyingly my father isn’t very “on the ball” now with our fundraising and as he gets older he tends to get more grouchy and unsupportive of us getting “freebies” for the funding (go figure?!) so he rather snappily barked at Johnny “that’s enough!” after ONE small box of CD’s was carted to the car and wanted to drive back up to home…
I was on the phone at this point talking to Johnny and passed what I’d heard him say onto mum who was just out of the room I was in. Like me, Johnny had immediately had the pit of our stomach go flip-flop like “oh hell, now what do we do? they are offering all this free stuff, we have limited funds now and we NEED this help… and we don’t want to let them down now they are expecting us to take it.” but mixed with “oh no, he’s going to start a scene ranting about taking too much in front of everyone”…
Not in a position to turn down free donations.
Mum drove down to meet them at the hall in her car to help quicker (as we weren’t sure what time they hall had to be vacated) and began hastily loading up boxes and bags of items. We weren’t sure exactly what to head for and how much we were allowed (we aren’t the type to just “expect it to be for us”) so truth be told we probably left a lot more than they were hoping we would down there but after 2 car trips up in 2 cars (so 4 car loads) (and thats including dads big car don’t forget!) we had a huge pile of stock now!!
Jigsaw puzzles, Activities, BOOKS by the hundreds, DVD’s, CD’s, Clothing, Shoes, Records and a few other bits and bobs. Safe to say that we aren’t getting into the workshop very easily right now 😀
Photo’s will be attached to this later but I’m on the wrong laptop at the moment.
THANK YOU once again to Becky Chapman and the 1st Watchfield & Shrivenham Scouts!